Category: Artificial Intelligence
Using the Google Maps Platform to Improve the Delivery and E-commerce Experience
Informing customers about the status and location of their shipment helps to increase their satisfaction with the service and to obtain favours and loyalty. In addition to this interesting article about the various ways that the Google Maps platform can improve delivery and e-commerce experience, I also highlighted some components of the Google Maps SDK…
The Benefits Of Checking Tech Reviews Before You Buy
What makes tech reviews interesting? Simply put, it is an examination of technology by someone who actually uses the technology. The best tech reviews are usually written by a real person who has actual experience with the product or service being reviewed. This means that you get real details about the pros and cons of…
Keeping Up With Tech News
Technology news is a rapidly growing area of the media, and one that’s worth paying close attention to. In a society that moves at such a fast pace, there is always something going on – and it doesn’t matter what kind of business is involved. While this can be exciting for those who like to…
The Latest Technology Gains
Further reading: Latest Technology Updates that are Useful. Artificial Intelligence, or AI as sometimes it is also referred to, has been one of the more discussed and anticipated technology trends of recent years. And rightly so, because AI has affected how to play, work, and even lead normal lives in a major way. Recently, it…
Improving Verifiability in AI Development
Improving verifiability in AI development is something that needs to be done before anything else can be tested. When a program runs it will do all of the testing for itself and there is no way to verify or validate what it does. This can have a number of negative effects on a product or…
Machine Learning Websites
In recent years, machine learning has become a buzzword in the field of education. Machine learning is the application of algorithms to large sets of data, including text and images, in order to identify patterns and relationships within that information. Today, with the rising costs of traditional higher education, it is becoming increasingly important to…
Information About the First Invertor of Robotics
The first invertor of Robotics is one of the newest robots that can be used on land. It has a similar shape to a large vacuum cleaner and its main purpose is to push robotic components such as cameras or wheeled robots around, along with its large rotating arm. The main advantage it has over…
The Future of AI – a New Phenomenon
So, what is the future of Artificial Intelligence like? Will it bring us a utopia or bring us to the brink of extinction? Artificial Intelligence, in simple terms, is the science of achieving goals using computers. In laymen’s terms, artificial intelligence is a form of artificially intelligent computer software that learns how to perform an…
The Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
When people talk about Artificial Intelligence or AI, they usually are referring to computer technology, especially with regards to the internet. But the term is also used to refer to the research and development of artificial intelligent machines that are not humanly intelligent but rather are able to be programmed to learn and perform tasks.…